2022 ATAR Results
Brisbane Christian College would like to acknowledge and congratulate the class of 2022 on the release of this year’s ATAR rankings. QTAC has released data for students who have selected the option to share information with the school. Check out some of the highlights below:
- Highest Achieved ATAR Result 99.7
- 8.6% of our students received an ATAR score of over 95
- 7 students ended with overall scores of 95/100 or higher for 16 subjects
- 14.3% of students in Queensland’s Top 10%

Alongside celebrating these fantastic academic results, we want to acknowledge the 28 students who also completed at least one additional tertiary qualification with their graduation. In 2022, we also had nine students secure their school-based apprenticeships or traineeships.
Brisbane Christian College would like to congratulate all graduates on their tenacity and resilience in completing their Senior studies under the backdrop of disruptions over the last three years. We are so proud of all you have achieved, both academically and in the impact you have made outside the classrooms in shaping Brisbane Christian College.
The College has once again received very strong academic results, with the Courier Mail reporting Brisbane Christian College Middle and Secondary as one of the Top 5 NAPLAN improvers over the past five years. These are amazing results and a credit to the hard work of our students and teams.
- Our College average results in Years 7 and 9 have been reported between 5-22% above State in every category.
- In Mathematics, student Numeracy results have gone from 26% to 57% in the top two bands, with Year 9 Numeracy results moving from 17% to 35% in the top two bands.
- We are also proud to report our best overall Primary School NAPLAN results ever! Achieving 20-30% above State averages in every category.
As seen at our Primary Awards Evening in Term 4, a growing number of our Primary children are earning outstanding results in the ICAS competition with many children in the top 10% of Australia (Distinction) and an impressive number in the top 1% (High Distinction).
Global Academic Challenge
We are thrilled with the results of our inaugural participation in the Australian Council for Educational Research’s Global Academic Challenge. A nationwide academic competition in the discipline of English, Maths, and Science. A competition that measures our selected participants with children across the Western world. Our students performed admirably, and we look forward to participating again in 2023, along with Year 6 and Year 8 in the Middle School.
2022 Highlights
It has been an incredible year and we thank all our students, parents and team members for your contribution and trust as we partner together to raise confident, creative, life-long learners. Below are some videos that showcase some of our highlights from the year.
- Pre-Prep in 2024
- Prep in 2025 (or beyond) or
- Years 2, 4 and 9 in 2023
If your family is interested in any of these positions, we encourage you to check our website and book a tour urgently. We would love the opportunity to connect with you and answer any questions you may have.
It has been a great year in the life of the College and we are extremely proud of the achievements of our children. We know that great outcomes are the result of the incredible support and dedication of our families, teachers, and students. Well done!
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