Character Development

Developing Character
in our Children

At Brisbane Christian College, we appreciate the opportunity to work with parents to build the character of all children and encourage good behaviour choices. While poor behaviour is never accepted, the goal of Character Development is to reconnect our children to the journey of becoming a ‘Brisbane Christian College Student of Good Character’. As we have been saved by grace, we strive to extend grace and understanding in our responses to student choices.

Our Chaplaincy team, counselling team, pastoral care team (on the Middle and Secondary Campus) and our classroom teachers all work together to help children develop their character through love and grace.

Ephesians 4:7
But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.

Secondary male student hugging three male Middle School students

Chaplaincy & Counselling Team

Pearl Anne Claassen



Saskia Hill


College Pastor

Jemima Kirkby


Middle & Secondary School Chaplain

Lewis Gebbett


Middle & Secondary School Chaplain

Fiona Griffiths


Primary School

Pearl Anne Claassen


Family Chaplain
(Primary Campus)

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Middle & Secondary
Well-being Counsellor

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Primary SchooL

Chaplaincy Team

Our Life Church Chaplaincy team works across our campuses to provide a safe point of contact for our young people to connect with at school led by our College Pastor.

We provide a listening ear, a caring presence, a message of hope, and offer support spiritually and emotionally as needed. As the chaplaincy team, we are available for students to talk to, often through casual conversations in the playground.

Along with a team of staff and students, we offer programs and voluntary groups that our students participate in, including prayer groups, guys and girls devotional groups, and adapted programs such as the ‘Shine’ and ‘Strength’ programs in our Middle and Secondary Campus. With our Primary School students, we are a part of Christian Studies, Year 4 and 5 friendship and resilience focus groups.

Our Chaplaincy team is responsible for our Chapel services. Chapels aim to empower all ages with a Bible-based message, praise and worship, and prayer time where our students get to hear from a range of dynamic speakers every week.

At Brisbane Christian College, we see the advantage of working as a team. The Chaplaincy team works very closely with the College Counsellor, College Leadership Team, and teachers to assist each student to reach their full potential.

If you would like to be in touch with our Chaplaincy Team please contact [email protected]

Counselling Team

The provision of Counselling is an important aspect of Pastoral Care within the College. When the need arises, students are supported through individual counselling sessions with a qualified Counsellor. Specific concerns are addressed within the confidential setting of the Counselling room and the relationship of trust which is developed.

A range of situations brings students to Counselling. These may include but are not limited to: transitions, peer and friendship issues, social-emotional concerns, or grief and loss situations. Students may be referred to Counselling by parents or staff members. Older students may also self-refer. The Counselling process enables the concern to be shared in a safe and supportive setting. It also allows the concern to be viewed from another perspective, thus allowing reflection and change to take place.

Our Counsellors are committed to establishing positive relationships with students, families, and staff. As members of the Pastoral Team, they work alongside staff, Chaplains and College Leadership.

We are now blessed to have qualified Counsellors who work across the College. This team approach ensures that our students are supported across the College throughout their educational journey.

Pastoral Care Team

Pasa Alyuz

Mr Tom

Head of Bernall

Christine Thomas

Mrs Christine

Head of Carey

James Earl

Mr James

Head of Livingstone

Richard Proctor

Mr Richard

Head of Newton

Michael Baumgartner

Mr David

Head of Pascal

Michael Baumgartner

Mr Gordon

Head of Wesley

At Brisbane Christian College, we have six Houses with their unique history,
named after Heroes of the Christian faith in history.

On our Middle and Secondary Campus, we have dedicated Head of House Staff members responsible for the Pastoral Care of their students.
Our students meet in their House groups each morning with their Family Group Leader for roll call, prayer, and House bonding.
This time gives children from Year 6 to Year 12 an opportunity to mix and get to know each other,
creating a support system of “family members” from all stages of their schooling journeys.

Pastoral Care on our Primary School Campus is achieved through our classroom teachers and their close relationship with their class.
When class teachers become aware of situations that may require additional care, they refer to the Primary School Chaplain or
Counsellor who will work with them to support children and families.

Conflict Resolution Program

Secondary female students having fun together

Brisbane Christian College is aiming to stop bullying before it even starts.

We aim to develop children of strong character that can make a positive difference in the world. As a result, we are always looking for ways that children can be prepared and equipped to make positive choices.

Bullying is a concern to many parents and can have a devastating effect on children on the receiving end of bullying behaviour. We believe that the best approach to tackling bullying is to teach children how to deal with conflict effectively. Being equipped and able to deal with conflict effectively will very often stop those behaviours from escalating and becoming bullying behaviours.

Brisbane Christian College has introduced a program for students called BRIDGE BUILDERS® by Jocelyne Chirnside MEd(Hons), DipT from Empowering Life Skills Pty Ltd. This conflict resolution program is charged with giving children the tools to deal with the everyday conflicts they will experience for the rest of their lives. BRIDGE BUILDERS® is introduced in Prep and continues to engage students until Year 12.

As a part of this program, staff receives training in their classrooms and in the playground, and a parent session is held so that our school community can also learn the same conflict resolution techniques.

Get to know more about our team