Enrichment Learning

At Brisbane Christian College we offer a range of support and services to both extend and support all students within our care. As a College, we are committed to providing opportunities to promote well-being, leadership, academic development and lifelong learning through authentic learning experiences. The school offers a wide selection of support services including our SpLD (Dyslexia) Program, Tutoring and Homework Club, EAL/D support and our Enrichment and Learning Support Team.

SpLD (Dyslexia) Program

The Brisbane Christian College Dyslexia program is led by Mrs Kath Morrison. Kath offers a wealth of experience and holds a Masters Degree in Specific Learning Difficulties from Bangor University in Wales. As a College we are committed to supporting our students with Specific Learning Differences including Dyslexia.

Our students have the opportunity to participate in weekly specialist lessons with trained teachers based on the Bangor Dyslexia Teaching System and the Alpha to Omega Literacy Program. These programs provide a structured, systematic, cumulative and multi-sensory approach to literacy learning and development, which increases the student’s awareness of the phonemic structure of words and allows for the revision and consolidation of sounds and combinations of sounds. These skills are critical to ensuring our SpLD students experience every success throughout their schooling.

Aside from these specialist lessons, the College continues to implement dyslexic friendly procedures whilst further developing our relationships with external organizations and specialists.

As a College, we would strongly recommend families seeking a diagnosis of dyslexia do so through an educational psychologist, according to the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority guidelines. Our Enrichment and Learning Support department can assist parents with a list of educational psychologists who can undertake these assessments.

Bunch of letters on the table
Male students looking at the school magazine

Alpha To Omega Phonics Program

The Primary School is using Alpha to Omega phonics program to progress and supplement the foundations provided by TLC in Prep -2. This program provides our students with sequential and cumulative learning of the sounds that letters make individually and when grouped together. The Alpha to Omega phonics program strongly supports the growth of our students’ reading and spelling skills. Each child’s knowledge of phonics is quickly identified through the diagnostic test which then enables the correct starting point in the program to ensure that there are no gaps in each child’s phonics understanding. As a dyslexic friendly school this program gives excellent support for these children.

English as a Language and/or Dialect (Eal/d)

At Brisbane Christian College, we recognise that a child has English as an Additional Language and/or Dialect (EALD) if:

  • They have knowledge of more than one language.
  • They have spoken a language other than English at home for the majority of the time.
  • Their parent/s speak a language other than English at home for the majority of the time.
  • They come from a country where English is not a native language.
  • They are born in Australia but not exposed to the English language at home.
  • If parents are hearing impaired and use AUSLAN at home.

EALD support is provided according to students individual needs and may include small group withdrawal, tutoring, or in-class support. Our EALD teachers ensure smooth coordination of specific provisions made to support individual children who are identified as having English as an additional language and work with staff to monitor the student’s progress and plan further intervention and challenge as required. They liaise with parents, pupils and staff to enable a whole school, consistent approach to the inclusion of EALD students.

Different race talking to each other at the school field
Student Enrichment's group of teachers

Enrichment and Learning Support

Brisbane Christian College is committed to providing a welcoming, caring, and supportive learning environment. This is done through flexible and structured programs, reasonable inclusion, and equitable access to learning for all. Explicit teaching for all students, supported by differentiation, is an essential element of our classrooms. Differentiated instruction is how a teacher anticipates and responds to a variety of student needs in the classroom. To meet student needs, teachers can differentiate by modifying the content, the process, or how learned knowledge is demonstrated.

Our Enrichment and Learning Support department provides learning support to students who have additional learning needs. This assistance is based on the particular needs of each student and the resources available to provide support. Staff are available to support students individually or in group sessions, in their classroom or the comfortable EALS rooms.

Students verified under the Education Adjustment Program (EAP) have a Negotiated Education Plan (NEP), which is developed in consultation with parents, teachers and external agencies as appropriate. These NEPs are reviewed every year, and teachers implement the recommended adjustments, where applicable to their subject area. Other students who do not come under the EAP may also have a NEP which outlines adjustments teachers can make to assist individual students in experiencing success in their classes.

Tutoring and Homework Club

The Tutoring and Homework Supervision Program at Brisbane Christian College is designed for students who feel that an extra, focused homework session will either enhance or improve their academic performance.

Middle and Secondary Campus
Tutoring and Homework Supervision is offered every Monday to Friday from 3:25pm until 4:25pm. Groups of up to four students will be tutored in English and Mathematics. (Special requests for other subject areas will be considered, depending on the number of students and availability of tutors.) Tutoring is affordably priced and students will be requested to take advantage of this program by attending all four sessions per week.

Homework supervision will be conducted at the same time with group of six to ten students finishing work set during the day’s lessons, completing assessment tasks or studying for exams.

Primary Campus
On Primary campus, homework club runs from 3:15pm – 4pm, Monday through Thursday during term time. A supervised homework completion in small groups in the Resource Centre at Golda Ave.

Female Teacher helping her two Primary students with the Ipad

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